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The case against virtual backgrounds: tips for making your Zoom presentations look professional Enter your text here...

If you want to build credibility for your brand, virtual backgrounds are a no, no. Here are some reasons why they are not appropriate for your professional Zoom presentations and when you should use them.

Computer-generated images also known as virtual backgrounds have become a popular feature on platforms like Zoom since 2020. During the pandemic online presentations became the norm and professionals started to use this feature more and more to engage their audience: they could appear talking with the stars behind them or in a luxurious apartment with a frozen image of a chimney fire. This interesting, yet artificial feature can damage the quality of your presentation and especially your brand. Here are some reason why you should stick to your real background instead: 

  1. Virtual backgrounds make you look unprofessional: If you are a professional who offers a service and wants to build credibility such as a lawyer or a realtor, using a virtual background can give the wrong impression. By using your real background, you will let your clients know that you have an actual office (even if it is in your home) and that you are not hiding anything. Remember that authenticity builds credibility. 
  2. Virtual backgrounds are distracting: If you are not using proper lighting and a good green screen, a computer-generated image can make your fingers disappear or make your hair look weird resulting in a very distracting and unpleasant presentation for your audience. If you don’t have the gear to make your virtual background look realistic just use your real one instead, it will create a more intimate and engaging atmosphere. 
  3. Blurred backgrounds are not recommended: When you activate the blurred background feature, you are obviously hiding something. It creates a distance between you and your audience. People will start wondering where you are, or what’s behind you that you don’t want to show. In a professional setting this creates distrust. So, try to accommodate your space instead. Show your clients or your audience who you are, and what you do. Let them know you are an expert in your field not only with your words but also with your background, show your library, your work space. Be authentic. 

Final recommendations:

  1. The ONLY instances where a virtual background makes sense are when you are the host of a large meeting or virtual conference and you represent a company or you are a guest in a very large meeting and you don’t really have an active role; then a well branded virtual background is a good way to stand out within the sea of talking heads in small squares. 
  2. Another good use of computer-generated images is to “use slides as virtual background”, this is another ZOOM feature, that will help you make your presentation more engaging because you will be in the actual slide explaining your content. 

So, you already know what to do to build confidence: be authentic. Show your audience who you are, what you do and why you are an expert in your field through your real background. Avoiding images, or blurred backgrounds will bring you closer to your audience, by showing them what you are all about, because people like authentic people even if it’s just a in front of a plain blank “real” wall. 

About the Author Alan Chamo