The Safest Way to Share Your File On Zoom

How to safely share exhibits on Zoom? Many lawyers are terrified from the thought of sharing the wrong exhibit on an online deposition or hearing. What I keep

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Best practices to pitch your business at a ZOOM meeting

7 Best practices to present your ideas on a ZOOM meeting if you are an entrepreneur, the ability to make a successful presentation to your clients is a

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The case against virtual backgrounds: tips for making your Zoom presentations look professional

The case against virtual backgrounds: tips for making your Zoom presentations look professional Enter your text here...If you want to build credibility for your brand, virtual backgrounds are

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Basic lighting principles to enhance the quality of your Zoom presentations

Basic lighting principles to enhance the quality of your Zoom presentationsIn most cases, just a good camera and a decent source of natural lighting can be enough to

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How to create an effective elevator pitch: tips and tricks to improve your key message

How to create an effective elevator pitch: tips and tricks to improve your key message If you can impress your clients during a 30-second elevator ride, consider your

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Built-in or external camera: pros, cons, and recommendations for better video quality on your next Zoom presentations

Built-in or external camera: pros, cons, and recommendations for better video quality on your next Zoom presentations Depending on how frequently you make Zoom presentations, you might prefer

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Graphs and charts for your Zoom presentations: the Do’s and Dont’s for better engagement

Graphs and charts for your Zoom presentations: the Do’s and Dont’s for better engagement Sometimes describing data and quantitative results on a Zoom presentation can be a challenge

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The 5 second rule: enhancing the effectiveness of your slides through visual communication

The 5 second rule: enhancing the effectiveness of your slides through visual communication  Here's a great way to know if your slides are effective. I call it the

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Presenting slides on Zoom: what’s the right amount?

Presenting slides on Zoom: what’s the right amount? When it comes to how many slides you can use in your Zoom presentation, that is totally up to you.

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It’s all in the eyes: best Zoom meeting practices to engage your audience

Best Zoom meeting practices to engage your audience Nowadays Zoom meetings are part of every professional’s life. Regardless of your expertise, you can incorporate these useful Zoom meeting

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