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How to create an effective elevator pitch: tips and tricks to improve your key message

If you can impress your clients during a 30-second elevator ride, consider your idea a success. This is a great exercise that will help you focus on your key message during your Zoom presentations or networking events. Here are some tips and tricks to make your idea concise, simple, and memorable

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When promoting a business idea It is very important to have a key message, one that is easy to understand and easy to remember. A 30-second‘ elevator pitch’ can be a great exercise for you to focus on the core message of your idea or project. This way you will be able to deliver concise proposals to your clients showing them that you have a clear idea ready to materialize. 

Having a ready-to-go pitch shows assertiveness and preparation, it makes you look professional, and most importantly that you know what you want. So, if you need to polish your key message or elevate your elevator pitch, you should follow these simple tricks: 

  1. Leave them wanting more: No matter if it is a presentation or a quick meeting with a client, trying to engage them in a conversation will be your main goal. Asking them a question is also a good place to start, this will allow you to introduce yourself and your business naturally. Try to make them feel compelled to know more about you and what you do. When you present yourself to your clients you enable them to connect with you, and this is the best place to start.

  2. Practice before your virtual pitch: To polish your business idea, you need to write it down on a piece of paper and then practice your speech until it sounds natural. Then you can start practicing your pitch in front of a mirror, your neighbors, your dog, your friends… Be mindful of your gestures, keep eye contact, and smile. And as a final practice, try delivering your virtual pitch to yourself! Record it and watch it later, this way you will have more control over your tone of voice, gestures, and the effectiveness of your message. Take it as an opportunity to polish important details before delivering your actual virtual pitch to your clients. 

  3. Be mindful of how you deliver your pitch on Zoom: Maintain a correct posture and make sure your camera, sound, and lighting are appropriate. On the other hand, the way you speak: your tone, rhythm and speed must be very clear and natural, make sure you speak a little bit slower than you usually do. And lastly, looking them in the eye it’s a must if you want your clients to engage with your message. Here are more tips on the best practices to deliver a pitch on Zoom. 

Now it’s your time to implement these tips on your next networking event, remember, don’t try to sell them, it should be the start in order to get “the meeting”! Remember to practice so you can eventually master the elevator pitch technique and become a networking expert! 

About the Author Alan Chamo