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Basic lighting principles to enhance the quality of your Zoom presentations

In most cases, just a good camera and a decent source of natural lighting can be enough to make your presentations. However, if you want to look like a professional on your Zoom presentations you must follow these basic lighting principles. 

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Even though lighting is not a crucial element for your presentations, following a few basic principles can make a difference. Without spending too much money on gear, you can improve your lighting conditions and turn your Zoom presentations into an enjoyble, attractive experience. Here are some key basic lighting principles to enhance the quality of your content: 

  1. Be sure to include at least one source of external lighting. Some experts agree that using one or more sources of lighting for presentations would help make them look more professional. However, if you are just presenting for a small audience and you don’t work in a studio, one source of external lighting should be more than enough. 

  2. If you are using natural lighting make sure you have blinders. Depending on the time of the day, the sun can work in your favor or not. If you happen to have a window in front of you, make sure you have a see-through curtains or blinder to diffuse the sunlight that enters the room. 

  3. When using an external source of lighting, blackout your room. In this case, having sunlight and a lighting setup can make you look weird and overexposed. Blackout the room instead, and only use your lighting setup, make sure to put it in front of you if you are using just one. 

  4. Beware of the lighting position. When using one source of lighting, you want the light to make you look soft and natural. Don’t use your room light or overhead lighting, otherwise you will end up looking like a racoon. Install your light source such as a ring light or studio light, in front of you, make sure it is a little bit elevated so you don’t look burned. On the other hand, if you are wearing glasses chances are the lighting is going to reflect on them, so make sure your setup is positioned higher than your head and a little bit tilted in your direction. 

  5. Try to get a lighting gear you can dim so it is not too harsh on you. Usually the popular ring light can be a little strong for Zoom presentations, in that case try to get one with the dim feature so you can control the amount of light you receive. Another good option is the lighting cube, this one diffuses the light better and you can put it right above the camera of your laptop. 

  6. When buying the right gear, consider the size. If you are going to just make a Zoom presentation in front of your computer and you change work location or travel for work, you should probably go for the smaller option. However, if you are a more active host, and need to illuminate your room, a bigger lighting setup might be better for you and a separate lighting source to create color and atmosphere behind you, will go a long way. 

When it comes to lighting sources there are affordable options that can fit your budget while making you look better on your presentations. Just be sure to use the right amount of light and in a position that is flattering and inviting for your audience.

About the Author Alan Chamo