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How to safely share exhibits on Zoom? 

Many lawyers are terrified from the thought of sharing the wrong exhibit on an online deposition or hearing.

What I keep hearing from the lawyers I coach is “What if by mistake I share the whole screen and by doing so, the opposing counsel gets a glimpse of information they are not supposed to see?”

It is a valid point, not only for lawyers but for anyone else, I’m sure you don't want anyone to see your inbox or an open tab with your bank information.

But if you follow these simple steps, you will be confident that you will share only what you intended and nothing else.

1- Make sure you have all the exhibits (files and documents) that you want to share on a SINGLE and IDENTIFIED folder.

Open the File/Exhibit and verify it is the correct file, keep the document open (do not minimize it as it might not show if you do)

2- Once you’re in Zoom, at the bottom of the meeting window, click on Share Screen (It’s the only button in green).

3- Once you click on Share Screen, a pop up will appear showing all the different options of files, windows and applications you have open on your computer. One of the options will show the document you just opened and verified in step 1.

Select the window you want to share, it will be highlighted with a blue frame around it (see photo in the left).

💡Quick tip: NEVER SHARE THE WHOLE SCREEN! This is how you can accidentally show confidential information!

4- Once the selected file is highlighted, click “Share” on the button right of the window. Now the document is being shared.

5- This is an extra step for your peace of mind. Make sure that the Exhibit you are sharing has a green frame around it. This is your visual verification that tells you exactly what is being shared (anything inside the green frame is what they see)

💡Quick Tip: If you want to share a browser tab, open a new browser window and navigate to the URL you are interested to display, make sure only that tab is open. This will avoid displaying other tabs you have open and accidentally displaying the websites you have open.

For more tips, follow me: 

About the Author Alan Chamo