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Internal Training for organizations

Create transformational presentations that engage, persuade AND sell

Boring presentations suck. And they don’t work.

Elevating your presentation game is the simplest way to increase your credibility, professionalize your personal brand and turn passive
participants into motivated advocates for your message.

The goal of every presentation is to engage, persuade AND sell YOUR idea, product or service.

It’s your job to create a dazzling level of engagement that commands your audience’s attention and makes them want to learn more.

As an internationally renowned entertainer and entrepreneur Chamo is an expert at creating unforgettable in-person and online experiences. In this highly entertaining internal training session, Alan shows attendees how to conceptualize, create and deliver presentations that are engaging, persuasive and unforgettable.

Attendees will leave with actionable insights that will allow them to immediately create more engaging programs.

Your team will learn how to:

  • Use advanced audience insights to plan unforgettable presentations
  • Integrate mind hacks into the design of your presentations that keep audiences waiting on your every word
  • Create compelling slides that can convey all types of information without putting everyone in the room to sleep
  • Deliver presentations with more confidence and credibility
  • Start using the secret tools of master communicators

Who is it for?

Sales professionals, marketing teams, corporate leaders or anyone who has to present highly technical or meaningful content to others online or in-person.


Half day (3 hours)


Virtual or In-Person


To inquire about availability please fill up this form