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Breakout session

Magical Engagement: Time-tested strategies to increase your influence

How do you make impactful, immediate and meaningful connections with people in your day to day life?

As more of the world shifts to digital communication, it can feel like it’s impossible to actually connect and engage with prospects, clients, or even colleagues.

In this entertaining breakout session, Alan Chamo pulls back the curtain to show his audience how mentalists, magicians, and other entertainers create immediate connections with hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of people at the same time - and how these same techniques can be used to elevate presentations - both in-person and online.

Using the tools of magic and mentalism, Chamo shows audiences how to up their presentation game using the same strategies that entertainers across the globe have used since time immemorial.

This program is ideal for sales professionals, project managers and anyone who needs to convey and present important information to an audience.


To inquire about availability please fill up this form