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I help you transform your presentation to be as effective online and in-person.

  • * Do you have a presentation but feel it is falling short?
  • * Are you overwhelmed with the tech?
  • * Are you the person that reads from a PowerPoint presentation?

This 1 on 1 coaching is tailored specifically to your needs in helping you improve your overall presentation skills by helping you design and transform your old presentation or a new one, to be effective and engaging on a video conference.

What’s included?


If you already have a presentation, I would first watch you in action, either live or a recording.
This will allow me to understand exactly where you need the most help and create a tailored plan designed for you.

The tech for the “Non-techie

I will show you all the tools you need to look and sound professional. My approach is very practical, I skip all the technical details, and instead, I provide you with the solution to go from zero to hero as quickly as possible.
I know that tech can be scary for some, but don’t worry, you won't need much and most of it is plug and play.

Transform your slide deck

  • "You are the slide"

The most engaging slide is the one you are in, and the content floats and appears around you.
You should always be part of the presentation, relying on a PowerPoint slide is never a good approach.

You will learn how to appear inside your slides!

  • The Time Machine

This new approach helps you automate parts of your presentations and save you valuable time.
Imagine being able to start your presentation, greet your audience by name, and the moment you get to the technical part, you switch to a prerecorded video (while your audience still thinks it’s you, presenting live), and the video goes back (automatically) to you “Live” for closing remarks, Q&A or your offer.
This approach is for organizations or speakers that deliver frequent onboarding or training presentations that have technical or detailed procedures that are the same every time.


Keep them on their toes! remember, they think you are oresenting live and that you can ask them a question at any time.exactly where you need the most help and create a tailored plan designed for you.

Take back your valuable time to do other things like answering emails, making a call, or even a coffee while you read thru the questions in the chat and organize them for the Q&A at the end.

Standardize your training: each trainer has a different style but all should deliver the same information. Having parts prerecorded ensures the quality of delivery hits the mark every single time and avoids trainers’ fatigue.


To inquire about availability please fill up this form